Willy Russell Archive Collection
Willy Russell Archive Collection
Special Collections and Archives department
Liverpool John Moores University
The Willy Russell archive collection contains manuscripts, programmes, publicity and media material including newspaper cuttings and press releases, correspondence, legal, financial and administrative documents, records relating to the casting and audition process, audio and film material and promotional ephemera, The material was produced throughout the course of Willy Russell’s career and is a comprehensive representation of his work to date. It also illustrates Willy Russell’s collaborative works, both written and musical.
The archive is an excellent resource for research Ito modern theatre, graphic design, creative writing, literature and linguistics, The collection has been catalogued and is available for access.
Anna Brewer
Senior Commissioning Editor Metheun Drama
“At the launch of the Willy Russell Archive last week at Liverpool John Moores University, crowds of school-age students turned out – the same age as those watching Blood Brothers in the video clip over thirty years ago. They spent time poring over the encased hand-written first drafts of plays; gazing at the typewriter that looked like it had just landed; paying heed to the long letters of correspondence between Russell and his contemporaries. In its very nature, there was something of the archaic and nostalgic in this archive launch. Yet Russell spoke about the fact that he feels drawn to writing young characters and always has done. It was clear from this and from the young people’s reaction to him in person, and their engagement with his plays, that this is something that – unlike the artefacts on display – will never date”.
Roger Webster
Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Professional and Social Studies
“I am very pleased that the University has been able to acquire this archive through Willy Russell’s generosity: Willy has been a good friend to the University over many years and we are delighted that he has chosen us as the guardian of an extremely important collection of material. It will undoubtedly attract and produce world-class scholarship and we hope to develop a number of research projects around it. This collection also consolidates our relationship with drama writing and production in Liverpool, especially with the Everyman Theatre.”
Dr Ros Merkin
Reader in Drama, Liverpool Screen School
“Willy Russell’s archive is of international importance for theatre students, researchers and historians and his generosity in donating it to Liverpool John Moores University means it will now be an invaluable resource accessible to students and researchers. The fact that Blood Brothers is still the best selling contemporary playtext, more than thirty years after its first appearance on stage at Liverpool Playhouse, attests to the enduring popularity and legacy of Willy Russell’s work.”
Valerie Stevenson
Head of Academic Services, Library Services
“We are delighted, and very proud, to be the custodians of Willy Russell’s archive. The collection sits very well alongside the archives of the Everyman Theatre, the Unity Theatre and the Merseyside Youth Theatre (Fuse) Archive, providing a wealth of material for researchers and for anyone interested in Liverpool theatre. We plan to make the archive very accessible by working with the other cultural and educational organisations in Liverpool and holding exhibitions and events here at LJMU.”